The Matilda Babies Map celebrates the birth of Matilda babies who now lives around the world. If you or your children were born at Matilda, you can email us your picture for adding to the album. For details, please click here. Due to the privacy concern, we do not pinpoint the exact location on the map. Contact us ( should you want to update particular information of your children or yourself in the album. We also plan to use the photos to create a Matilda mosaic that will be displayed at Maternity Department in 2020. Do join us with these exciting projects.
網上明德寶寶地圖是為了慶祝現居於世界各地的明德寶寶的誕生而設。如果您或您的孩子於明德醫院出生,請將相片電郵給我們,活動詳情請按此 。基於私隱的考慮,地圖上所顯示的地點只代表出生的城市,而非確切的出生地。如果您想更新您孩子或自己的特定資料,請聯繫我們。另外,今年稍後我們會把相片拼合成明德馬賽克,於產科樓層展示。 我們需要您的積極參與,令這個項目別具意義的項目能付諸實行。