Updated on 1 March 2023
Special Offer for Hospital Authority patients requesting private cart 63909970このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。
The hospital has implemented the following Covid-19 measures to safeguard the health of our patients, staff and visitors.
All patients and visitors must wear surgical masks, complete a temperature check and health questionnaire before entering the hospital.
Rapid Antigen Test Requirements
People visiting for the below purposes will be required to present a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) done on the day of appointment, or upon arrival (cost $30):
Results of Government recognized RAT kits done at home on the day of appointment can be presented as a picture. They must show the name as well as the date and time the test was conducted.
Visiting Arrangements
Parents of paediatric patients (including the special care baby unit) or carers of infirm patients in a private room have unrestricted visiting times.
Birth companion or overnight carers are required to do RAT at home or upon arrival on the day of admission (cost $30). Staying overnight will not be allowed if RAT is positive or with respiratory symptoms.
For enquiries, please call 2849 0111.