
Why Matilda

We build healthful relationships

Come and visit us and you’ll notice the Matilda difference. It starts with our distinctive appearance – our main building is considered one of the world’s most beautiful hospitals. Your first impression is only reinforced by our soothing and inspiring panoramic views overlooking the South China Sea.

For the benefit, care and happiness of patients

The Matilda approach to patient care is characterised by friendliness, empathy and understanding. We know that positive good feelings go a long way towards making patients feel better. Our caring spirit is authentic. Over the decades we’ve cultivated something special at Matilda that makes our collaborative personalised care a reality.

Science, technology and open minds

Matilda takes an evidence-based approach to medicine and healthcare. And by investing continually in technology and diagnostics, we seek the best possible outcomes for our patients.

The Matilda network includes a main hospital at the Peak that’s closely linked with our satellite clinics downtown.

Contact us about your healthcare needs