Geriatric medicine is a subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses on the treatment, care and wellbeing of elderly persons, with emphasis on whole-person approach and quality of life. Designated sessions with a specialist in geriatric medicine are now available at Matilda Medical Centre.
If you or your elderly family member encounters the following conditions and diseases, specialists in geriatric medicine can provide advice: • memory problems• fatigue and frailty• mobility decline• loss of balance and falls • weight loss• nutritional deficiency • painful conditions• Parkinsonism• stroke and• urinary incontinence. The specialist also helps maintain muscle and bone health, and to treat vascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes and elevated cholesterol. Taking drugs for multiple diseases may make you or your family member vulnerable to drug-related problems. Medication reviews and optimisation by a specialist in geriatric medicine can help to reverse drug-induced problems and enhance wellbeing.
Booking and enquiries:Matilda Medical Centre t 2537 8500 By appointment only Click here to book an appointment online